Building a life of faith doesn’t happen overnight. With God’s help and with the love and support of a community of believers like you will find at St. Michael, you can build a relationship with God and discover how following Jesus can help you build a whole, healthy life in the world.

The tools on this page can prove extremely useful as you build your life of faith. By developing these areas, you can grow in your relationship with God.

Tip: Don’t worry about having all these tools in place in your life right now. You can start by picking one that sounds helpful or fun and giving it a try this week.

Here are a few tools to help you get started.

Read God’s word.

  • Click here for a daily Bible passage.
  • We invite you to our weekly adult Bible study each Sunday at 9:00am (i.e., 1 hour before worship). We also offer two monthly Bible studies. (Check our calendar.)
  • We will have free daily devotion booklets available at church when you visit.


  • We invite you to join us for worship every Sunday at 10:00am.
  • Come be with our family of faith to hear God’s word read and preached, receive forgiveness, pray, sing hymns, and receive Holy Communion.


Engage in Christian community.
In addition to our standing invitation for you to join us for weekly worship and Bible study, we invite you to…

  • Serve God by serving others through our helping ministries.
  • Come to our fellowship events and other special events throughout the year. Examples include luncheons, monthly Coffee Hour Socials after church, youth events, and St. Michael’s Music/Drama and Arts productions. All show up on our calendar throughout the year.

Share your gifts.