Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Enjoy the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 12 at 6 PM. Donations will go to the ELCA Malaria Campaign.

Date for Easter

Ever wonder how the date of Easter is determined.  Here's a helpful article from the US Naval Observatory that explains it:

Micah’s Backpack

Micah's Backpack continues to make a tremendous impact in our community. In January, this ministry provided 744 bags of food to students

Seminary Partner

Our Sunday School offerings are used to support a student at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.  This week, we were assigned our new

Online Mom’s Retreat

Vibrant Faith Ministries is offering an online retreat for moms.  If that sounds interesting to you, you can find more information at:

Micah’s Soup for Seniors

Thank You! to our 16 wonderful volunteers who distributed food on Tuesday, January 22. We were able to pack and distribute 90

Local Helping Ministries

We have a new page on the St. Michael site under the "Resource" tab that lists local helping ministries and agencies.  The

Micah’s Backpack Report

In December, Micah's Backpack delivered over 4,600 meals. You can read see the full report in the December 2012: Sharing the Story.