About pastor_john

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So far pastor_john has created 442 blog entries.

Happy-Go-Lucky Rescheduled

Given the predictions of ice and freezing rain for tomorrow morning, the Happy-Go-Lucky Senior Luncheon scheduled for tomorrow has been rescheduled for

February 25th, 2013|

Questions about Lent?

If you would like to learn more about the season of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday and continues until Easter, St.

February 13th, 2013|

Free Babysitting

The college students at The Well, Lutheran Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech would like to treat parents to a free evening of

February 11th, 2013|

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Enjoy the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 12 at 6 PM. Donations will go to the ELCA Malaria Campaign. http://www.elca.org/Our-Faith-In-Action/Responding-to-the-World/ELCA-Malaria-Campaign/Malaria-Resources/Video.aspx

February 10th, 2013|

Date for Easter

Ever wonder how the date of Easter is determined.  Here's a helpful article from the US Naval Observatory that explains it: http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/easter.php

February 6th, 2013|

Micah’s Backpack

Micah's Backpack continues to make a tremendous impact in our community. In January, this ministry provided 744 bags of food to students

February 4th, 2013|

Seminary Partner

Our Sunday School offerings are used to support a student at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.  This week, we were assigned our new

February 1st, 2013|

Online Mom’s Retreat

Vibrant Faith Ministries is offering an online retreat for moms.  If that sounds interesting to you, you can find more information at:

January 30th, 2013|

Micah’s Soup for Seniors

Thank You! to our 16 wonderful volunteers who distributed food on Tuesday, January 22. We were able to pack and distribute 90

January 28th, 2013|