About pastor_john

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So far pastor_john has created 442 blog entries.

Missionary Support

St. Michael helps support two Young Adult Missionaries in Madagascar named Austin and Tanya Propst. If you'd like to learn more about

February 17th, 2014|

Mission Partner: Bedford Lutheran

Take a look at some of the outreach ministry being accomplished by our mission partner, Bedford Lutheran Church. They have pictures and

February 10th, 2014|

Micah’s Backpack Delivers

In January, Micah's Backpack helped 281 students in our community. You can see a full report on the ministry being accomplished in

February 3rd, 2014|

Mission Trip to Malawi

St. Philip Lutheran Church in Roanoke, VA is sponsoring a mission trip to Malawi in late summer 2014. If you are interested

January 22nd, 2014|

Micah’s Backpack in the news

Check out this article on Micah's Backpack in the News Messenger. http://ourvalley.org/micahs-backpack-prepares-food-bags-for-280-children/

January 20th, 2014|

Mission Partner News

Our mission partner, Bedford Lutheran Church, had an exciting Christmas Eve with nearly 100 people in worship. You can read more about

January 20th, 2014|

New Accompanist Needed

St. Michael Lutheran Church is looking for an accompanist or accompanists to play for a 9 AM Sunday Service, an 11 AM

January 14th, 2014|

Micah’s Backpack in December

In December, Micah's Backpack delivered over 5000 meals to hungry students in our community. You can read the full report on the

January 6th, 2014|

Breaking News of Christmas

Thank you to all the youth and adults who shared their gifts to put on a wonderful Christmas program. You can see

December 17th, 2013|