Taking Faith Home – May 4
Download this week's Taking Faith Home - May 4 2014 with Daily Scripture Readings and Prayer ideas for the week.
Download this week's Taking Faith Home - May 4 2014 with Daily Scripture Readings and Prayer ideas for the week.
The May issue of Parenting Christians Kids is now available for download: Parenting May 2014. The newsletter contains tips and ideas for
Here's an Easter Greeting from Bishop Eaton. The text of her message is below and you can view the video here. Dear
Holy Week at St. Michael Maundy Thursday at 7 PM Good Friday at 7 PM Easter Sunday at 7 AM, 9 AM,
All youth from preschool to 5th grade are invited to St. Michael's Hands-On Holy Week celebration and Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday,
On Tuesday, April 22, several restaurants in our area will be donating 10% of their profits to support To Our House, the
St. Michael's April Newsletter is now available online: http://archive.st-michael-lutheran-church.org/docs/newsletters/StMichaelNewsletter-1404.pdf
Each month, St. Michael posts a new Parenting Christian Kids newsletter with ideas for building your family of faith. Here is the
Micah's Backpack continues to make a difference in the lives of students in our community. Here is the story of the ministry
Each Thursday, St. Michael publishes, Happening This Week, a weekly e-newsletter with information about our ministry together. If you are not receiving