About pastor_john

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So far pastor_john has created 442 blog entries.

Taking Faith Home – May 4

Download this week's Taking Faith Home - May 4 2014 with Daily Scripture Readings and Prayer ideas for the week.

May 2nd, 2014|

Parenting Christian Kids

The May issue of Parenting Christians Kids is now available for download: Parenting May 2014. The newsletter contains tips and ideas for

April 24th, 2014|

Easter Greetings!

Here's an Easter Greeting from Bishop Eaton. The text of her message is below and you can view the video here. Dear

April 20th, 2014|

Dine Out for To Our House

On Tuesday, April 22, several restaurants in our area will be donating 10% of their profits to support To Our House, the

April 7th, 2014|

April Newsletter

St. Michael's April Newsletter is now available online: http://archive.st-michael-lutheran-church.org/docs/newsletters/StMichaelNewsletter-1404.pdf

March 31st, 2014|

Micah’s Backpack Update

Micah's Backpack continues to make a difference in the lives of students in our community. Here is the story of the ministry

March 10th, 2014|

Weekly E-Newsletter

Each Thursday, St. Michael publishes, Happening This Week, a weekly e-newsletter with information about our ministry together. If you are not receiving

March 3rd, 2014|