• 191121: Deactivated “Srizon Facebook Album” plugin. I’m pretty sure this is what we were using before FB dropped support for (easily) embedding photo albums in external web pages. The plugin author appears to no longer be supporting it.
  • 191121: Installing “Featured Image from URL” plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/featured-image-from-url/) while attempting to automate Advent calendar updates to the front page slider. Can be disabled after Christmas.
  • 191210: Removing “Latest News” from footer, at least until we begin adding posts manually or I get the MailChimp-WordPress link fixed. Appearance->Widgets->Footer Widget 2. Advanced Recent Posts; Title: Latest News; Sort by: Date; Include Post excerpt / 30 words; Include read more link / “read more”; Include post date; Show post thumbnail / 30×30; Show Post Type: Posts; [no categories selected]
  • 191210: Adding about/pastor-michelle-stramiello page
  • 191210: Toggled “Fusion Builder Auto Activation” switch on and back off to see if that helped with fusion_builder tags appearing in the editor (and other general editor oddness) [it didn’t help]
  • 191210: Deactivating sermon.net plugin, as we are not currently using sermon.net’s podcast hosting services
  • 191210: Installed and activated “Classic Editor” plugin, which, at first glance, seems to fix some of the Fusion Builder problems
  • 210508: Fusion Builder is now significantly more broken, with jQuery incompatibilities rendering it essentially impossible to add new content. (The save/cancel/close buttons do not work.) Updating settings on “Classic Editor” plugin to allow choice between “Classic” and “Block” editor on the “Pages” listing, with the goal of eventually switching everything from Fusion Builder to the WP Block Editor. 
  • 240914: Updating home page and Newsletters to use Block Editor