St. Michael provides Mother’s Morning Out from 8:45 AM until 11:45 AM, Monday through Thursday, for children from 18 months to 5 years and 11 months old.
Our Goal: To provide a safe and nurturing social setting where children can learn, play, grow, and explore.
About Our Program: MMO is a religiously exempt program that can support ten children per day with two teachers. The cost is $23 per day plus snack fee (paid three times annually – January, May, and September). Parents set their child’s schedule anywhere from 1 day to 4 days a week based on preference and availability.
We prepare students for preschool by offering circle time, sensory play, art, and motor skill activities. Circle time includes studying the calendar, letters, shapes, colors, and singing songs.
Our Routine: We start our day with free play in centers and weekly themed activities. The themes revolve around letters during the school year and a fun topic during the summer (circus, ocean life, pirates, the beach etc.). After free play, we have circle time followed by outdoor play (weather permitting). Once back in the classroom, we wash hands and eat snack. Teachers usually read a theme related story during snack time. After snack, we work on art projects or return to the playground to work on our gross motor skills.
Request a Tour: If you would like to see our classroom, please email the MMO director at
If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Valerie Jessee at or 724-422-8394. Download our flyer here: Mother’s Morning Out Program Information.